Texel 120 km

Texel, what an adventure this time! 120 km. 2 times around the island, four stretches of beach 2 times the same pieces.

the first lap after starting 20 km a light breeze in the lead up to the lighthouse, then relax in the back. First time on the beach, was pretty good at, coming in water so a little hard to strip and run tailwind tasty nonetheless. Thereafter, into the wood and then starts again a piece of beach followed by the Horse, a large desert. He was fair to run, not really loose sand this time, a little more inside pockets.

Then on to the ferry to turn around and walk the other way round it. It is something else, the strip of beach after a Hors km longer.

Also we walk through Old Child and a piece of a mill, instead of just all straight as the first 20 km.

So right back on the Horse, which was just the same, only the play afterward, poe, poe.

Headwind, wind increased to 4 to 5, high water no hard lot more. I knew it, it will last up to the lighthouse, about 25 km.

Back into the forest, a little smaller this time. Than 4 times the beach, whitecaps, no hard piece, bevel, loose sand, wet feet and a head wind that was really abandon. Also there was a happy ending, as I Slufter in a nature reserve. Also simply head wind, the following documents bike path, just as I did to the lighthouse.

Then good wind, and I could feel myself a little regroup again, now counting 25 km yet

at 10 km to go again the gas out exactly put up to 3 km. before the finish. Baf weather the wind right in front and tasty deceptively flat. Only those last kilometers, I just keep going of course. I finish in 11:26 5 overall and 4 men. Super satisfied, beginning of year 30 km. per week and now yet again anticipated.
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